What is Young People's Counselling?
Our face to face or online service is available for any young person aged 13 – 18 (for younger individuals, please go to our Children's Counselling service) who is having problems whether it's depression and mental health concerns or issues with parents or people at school, talking to a counsellor can help.
How to get started
The young person or their parent/guardian can call us to register.
Once registered with us the young person will be offered an assessment session to speak to a counsellor alone or with a parent if that would be helpful. This will enable us to understand the difficulties so that we can make sure we are able to help.
When counselling starts
Once counselling starts the young person will be offered 11 regular weekly sessions of up to 50 minutes each. This can include one or two parent sessions where appropriate and with the young person’s consent. The sessions are confidential unless the counsellor is concerned about safety.
When will counselling help?
Lots of young people who’ve come to see us have said they feel the counsellor has listened and understood what they have to say. Having someone to talk to outside of their home and school life helped them to see their problems in a new light and to work out ways of coping with their feelings.
Some of the issues young people bring include:
- Anxiety and Stress
- Depression
- Self Harm
- Lack of confidence
- Friendships
- Bullying
- Social media pressure
- Exam Stress
- Family change and breakdown
- School Transition
- Bereavement
- Witnessing violence in the home