What is Choose2Change?
Relate Cymru’s Choose2Change service delivers a group perpetrator programme to men who have been abusive in intimate relationships, along with a support service for the partners/ex-partners of men engaging with the service. It is the only Respect accredited Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme (DAPP) in North Wales and has been running since 2007.
Who is the service for?
The service is for any man who wants to change his behaviour in his relationships. We often work with clients who have been self-referred and are choosing to change, rather than with men who are court-sanctioned. However, we do accept referrals from professionals and work closely with professionals to think about safety and risk.
Support for partners
Ensuring the safety of victims of domestic abuse is the top priority of Choose2Change. The programme extends support sessions for the partner/ex-partner to ensure they understand the initiative.
Does Choose2Change work?
Over 90% of clients who fully engage with the service report a reduction in domestic abuse incidents. Men who attend Choose2Change report an increased understanding of the impact of domestic abuse on women and children and are better able to manage conflict non-abusively. Their partners report increased self-worth and feelings of safety.
How we manage risk
Both elements of the service work together to gain a full understanding of risk in each case and put in place a robust risk management plan. The service plays an active part in the multi-agency response to domestic abuse providing information about perpetrator risk and engagement at MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences) and Safeguarding arenas.
How to get in touch
Call us on 0300 003 2340 or email Enquiries.Cymru@relate.org.uk. We accept self-referrals and referrals from agencies. We ask that you discuss the referral with your client prior to sending any details so they are aware and consent to engaging in the service.