What is relationship counselling?
Counselling offers a caring, confidential and supportive environment in which you can examine problems and think about ways to address them. Watch the video below, in which Relate Counsellor Graham explains what relationship counselling is.
What happens in Relationship Counselling?
After making an appointment, you'll be seen by a trained Relate Counsellor either by webcam, telephone, of face to face either alone or with your partner.
In your first session your counsellor will ask you questions about your relationship and what you hope to get from counselling. They might also ask you about any problems you're experiencing, when they started and what changes you would like to see happen.
If you want to book another session your counsellor will ask you what days and times are best for you. This information will be given to our administration team as you will be placed on a waiting list.
You might meet only once, or you might meet once a week/fortnight for an extended period of time. What kind of counselling you receive – and how long counselling continues – all depends on you and what kind of issues you want to address.
What sort of issues can counselling help with?
People come to see us for lots of different reasons.
You may be in a relationship where you're arguing a lot, or you might be struggling to talk to your partner. You might be thinking about ending your relationship or coming to terms with a break up.
You might be a happy couple who want to make your relationship even stronger, or a couple who have chosen to separate and want to do it in the healthiest way possible. Or you might not be in a relationship right now and want to look at why.
Whatever the issue, your counsellor will not judge you and everything you say will be confidential.
What is the cost of counselling?
We are a self-funding charity and we do not make a profit from the services we provide. We work on a donation basis only and advise it costs Relate £50 to provide each session of counselling.
Relate has national contracts with several organisations, view them here. If you qualify, we can offer you free sessions subject to qualifying criteria.
Book an appointment
To find out more about Relationship Counselling, and to arrange an appointment please contact Relate Hull and East Yorkshire on 01482 329621 or email info@relatehull.org.uk for further information.