Young people's counselling in Hull and East Yorkshire

Young people's counselling is for any young person who's having problems. Whether it's depression and mental health concerns or issues with parents or people at school.

Due to our current waiting list we are unable to take any new referrals.

What is young people's counselling?

Young people's counselling is for any young person who's having problems. Whether it's depression and mental health concerns or issues with parents or people at school. Talking to a counsellor can help.

Watch the video below, in which our counsellor Graham explains what to expect in counselling.

What to expect

You can expect to be helped by a supportive and non-judgmental counsellor. They'll start off by undertaking an initial assessment to make sure Relate is a good fit for you.

You can be referred by your parent/guardian, a teacher, or you can ask to see a counsellor yourself – what you say is confidential unless the counsellor is worried about your safety. This service is provided for young people over the age of 11.

Young people hate being talked down to. As a young person’s counsellor you have to be open and honest and give your clients time to open up. When my clients leave, they thank me, but I tell them that they have done the hard work as it isn’t easy talking about the big things that are worrying them.
Relate Counsellor

Book an appointment

To find out more about Family Counselling, and to arrange an appointment please contact Relate Hull and East Yorkshire on 01482 329621 or email for further information.