Help for male perpetrators of domestic abuse

If you're male and have been abusive within a relationship and would like help to change your behaviour, our Choose 2 Change programme is for you.

How does our domestic abuse programme help?

Our Choose 2 Change programme for men increases the safety of victims of domestic abuse or domestic violence through working with the perpetrators. The programme is delivered in a group setting via webcam workshops.

The programme looks at tools and techniques for changing abusive/violent patterns of behaviour by re-educating the perpetrators and looking at the underlying causes.

We are very aware that attendance on a programme can increase the danger to the partner so we have a partner support team who work with them ensuring their safety and making sure they also get the help they need.

Choose 2 Change is accredited by Respect, the Domestic Abuse charity. This means that our programme, policies and procedures have been assessed as fully meeting the requirements of the Respect standard.

Choose 2 Change is a Respect accredited domestic abuse perpetrator programme

What does the programme involve?

First of all you will need to attend an in depth assessment to make sure you are suitable for the programme. We will do a risk assessment and also ensure you have the motivation to change your behaviours.

If you are accepted onto the programme, it is a structured motivational programme with goal setting and is delivered over a period of up to 30 weeks. Workshops involve a lot of group activities so you will need to be willing to share your experiences.

There are regular reviews throughout the programme to check on your progress and make sure the risk has not increased.

Failure to attend workshops could lead to you being removed from the programme.

How to apply for the programme?

We accept applications from individuals themselves or professionals working with male perpetrators.

First of all, the perpetrator must recognise and want to change his abusive behaviour. We are unable to consider clients who currently have ongoing court proceedings, or have had court proceedings within the past 12 months.

Priority is given to men living in the local areas of Dorset, Wiltshire and Somerset.

Please note, we have limited funding available from Wiltshire's Police and Crime Commissioner's Community Action Fund to provide free spaces on the programme to men living in Wiltshire.

Funding from Wiltshire Community Foundation for free spaces on the Choose 2 Change programme if you are in Wiltshire

Please email or call 07915 037943 for more information including the cost of the programme.

White Ribbon Day

White Ribbon Day on Friday 25 November is the United Nations' International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

The Value of Behavioural Change Programmes

From our experience of delivering Choose 2 Change, Relate realises the value of behavioural change programmes to support perpetrators of domestic abuse in improving their relationships.

Read more here* about this subject.

* Relate Dorset & South Wiltshire is not responsible for the content of external links.