Co-dependency in relationships

Co-dependency, though often misunderstood, is a phenomenon that affects various types of relationships – from friendships and intimate partnerships to family connections. In this blog, we'll delve into what co-dependency is, how to recognise its signs, and how to move beyond if it's becoming a problem so that you can enjoy a healthy amount of independence.  

What is co-dependency? 

Co-dependency is often understood as when one person excessively relies on another for emotional support, validation, or a sense of identity. This reliance can become so intense that it may hold back the personal growth and autonomy of one or both people involved.  Co-dependency sometimes originates from unresolved personal issues or past traumas, which might be connected with abandonment, low self-esteem, or an excessive need to feel needed.

Is co-dependency always a bad thing?

The term 'co-dependency' can mean different things to different people. In some relationships, certain aspects of co-dependency may exist, but they may not be a problem. For example, some partners can have a dynamic which might seem unbalanced from the outside in terms of who provides emotional support. If this doesn't get in the way of either partner's personal growth and neither partner feels burdened by their role this isn't necessarily an issue.

Even in most reasonably balanced relationships, there are natural fluctuations. Partners' needs can change over time, and in a healthy relationship, it's possible to discuss and accommodate these changes. Needing to communicate more or asking for different or evolving needs to be met doesn't necessarily indicate the development of co-dependency. 

Am I co-dependent? How to recognise the signs 

So how do you know if you’re problematically co-dependent in your relationship or simply have a close connection where you love to spend lots of time with your partner and are considerate of their needs? Here are some common signs to look out for: 

Excessive reliance  

Leaning heavily on the other person in the relationship for emotional stability, decision-making, and validation, often neglecting your own needs. 

Lack of boundaries 

Avoiding putting boundaries in place and maintaining them. This could include communicating your needs for alone time, privacy and to be talked to respectfully.  

Fear of abandonment  

Behaving in a way that aims to please the other person and avoid the perceived risk of them leaving you, even if it comes at the expense of your own wellbeing.   

Low self-esteem  

Basing your self-worth mainly or completely on validation from other people and seeking approval from them.  

Denial of problems  

Brushing difficulties in your relationship under the carpet in order to keep the peace.  

Loss of individuality  

Moulding yourself to fit with your partner’s hobbies and desires, meaning your own interests and passions take a back seat.  

Building a more balanced relationship 

The journey toward healthier relationships involves a process of self-awareness, communication, and gradual change. Here are some steps to empower both yourself and your relationships: 


Try examining your own feelings and behaviours. Are you excessively reliant on someone else? Do you feel uncomfortable setting boundaries? Recognising these patterns is the first step toward change. 


Honest and open communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Expressing your authentic thoughts and feelings to your partner or loved one, and encouraging them to do the same, is a good first step. There are ways of communicating effectively without placing blame. Why not try our quiz to find out if you’re a good communicator and get tips for how to improve? 

Set Boundaries  

Clear boundaries are essential to protect your emotional well-being. Learning to say no and prioritise your needs is a powerful step toward breaking the cycle of co-dependency. 

Seek Support  

Talking therapies such as counselling can provide a safe space to explore the roots of co-dependency and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Relationship counselling can also help in addressing these patterns within a relationship. 

Focus on Self-Care  

Connecting with activities that bring you joy and fulfilment outside of your relationship can help your own growth. As your well-being strengthens, so too does your sense of self, reducing the need for external validation. 

Encourage Independence 

Support your partner's or loved one's autonomy. Encourage their pursuits, interests, and personal growth, just as you focus on your own. 

Moving beyond co-dependency 

Moving beyond co-dependency to a more balanced relationship and sense of self requires understanding and empathy. It's important to recognise that navigating co-dependency isn't about placing blame; rather, it's about acknowledging the patterns and working toward healthier dynamics. By fostering open communication, setting boundaries, and focusing on personal growth, we can empower ourselves and those we care about to break free from the shackles of co-dependency. Remember, the journey might be challenging, but the destination – healthier, more balanced relationships – is likely to be well worth it.

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