Sex ebbs and flows in most committed relationships. That’s because life happens to people, and other things get prioritised. Depending on where you might be on the life cycle that could be having babies and young children, when the most important thing often feels like getting some sleep rather than anything else, through to health issues that impact on both energy and drive. For some, the sexual barometer goes up and down depending on how the relationship feels. Sometimes, withholding sex is the only way someone believes they have of explaining to a partner how unhappy they are and that perhaps change of whatever description needs to happen. Sometimes too, sex simply becomes less important or not important at all and that’s what your wife is saying to you now. So basically, there may be an underlying reason why she feels as she does that has not yet been aired or it may be as she says, that sex has no significance for her and therefore she won’t be engaging. Obviously, that leaves you in a very difficult place because wanting to have a sexual relationship with a partner is normal. The problem is that for some people, so is not wanting to have one. That’s what both of you need to explore.