I have found myself wondering if for you, maybe this affair has triggered some thoughts and feelings that actually relate to an earlier event. Perhaps something happened previously where you either felt blamed or unforgiven, or maybe you have found it difficult to forgive someone else. Because families, too, can have all sorts of family ‘scripts’ about getting things right and what it means if you get it wrong. In some families, there always has to be the person who gets the blame for everything when others can apparently do no wrong. Any and all of these experiences can mean that as a child, we naturally react to them as children. So, feeling powerless to influence an outcome or to speak up in one’s own defence are things which understandably can mean that a child ends up feeling that they have no voice in what’s happened. Unfortunately the legacy of this is that as adults, we sometimes experience mistakes as if we were children again, i.e. as overwhelming, ruining and unrecoverable.